I feel like there used to be a lot more books series that I loved, where I would wait for the next book, and basically consider it an auto buy.
These days the list is a lot shorter, so I did some goodreads research on my last 6 years of reading, and put together some lists.
Series that were great but the next book may never come (Just saying).
- Kingkiller - Rothfuss
- Ice & Fire - Martin
- Gentleman Bastards - Lynch
Series that were great but have now completed, or the author died, and I still reread.
- Discworld - Pratchett
- Culture - Banks
- Vorkosigan - Bujold
- Hyperion - Simmons
- Aubrey & Maturin - O'Brien
Series that are great and I buy the next book when it comes out:
- The Tyrant Philosophers - Tcahikovsky
- Stormlight / Mistborn - Sanderson
- Jackpot - Gibson
- Penric and Desdemona - Bujold