Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A Feast for Crows (8/10)

George R.R.Martin

You need to have read the previous books to even bother with this one. Despite that, the author seems to spend far too long summarizing past events, possibly due to the hideous number of characters in this story.

George R.R. Martin does his best to kill off more this time around, and one is left certain that getting attached to characters in this book is a good way to get depressed. Thankfully the resurrection theme does not get too much of a mention in this book, as I felt this was the weakest part of the previous novel (along with the obsessive references to heraldry).

The lack of the story arcs to the North and the East are a pity, but overall this is still a good read, with characters that are far too realistic and nasty. They are people who do not follow blindly and the fact that they are all too human makes this story a compelling read.

Readibility (4/5)
Quality (4/5)

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